Everyday Justice.

A promo video for the upcoming Justice Conference in Bend, Oregon (Feb. 11-12, 2011).

A mark of a maturing believer and follower of Jesus is a growing awareness of the true needs in the world, and a love for those people with a passion to help meet those needs and build bridges for the Gospel message. We see the inequity in the world and are not content to wait on governments to move solely for the sake of the marginalized, needy, poor, and destitute. We give up personal comforts so others can have the basic necessities for health and life.

Justice is about reconciliation, which is rooted in love. We who have been reconciled with God, get to see His reconciling work spread to every area of our lives and all of creation. What began as a personal relationship with God adds a public dimension that becomes a transformational relationship with the world. One day the universe will be set right (final justice), though we don’t have to wait until then to meet the needs that are within our control today. The love of Christ compels us.

(On a side note: World Relief did a tremendous job on the video, shot in Drake Park in downtown Bend. As I grew up there, I remember walking, riding, running and skating through the park hundreds of times. Good times.)