A thought on productivity tools

Maximizing productivity.

Productivity is good. Good tools are very much needed. I regularly use Evernote, OmniFocus, Google Apps, an iPod Touch (as a PDA), text messaging, Google Voice (formerly Grandcentral), a bound journal, and the handy file sharing service DropBox.

But, let’s ask ourselves this question: Why do I want to be productive?

I’m learning that the goal of productivity is more than efficiency and getting more tasks done. The highest goal is to do God’s will. And to that end the more immediate goal is to be more present.

When I use tools to ‘capture’ my pressing thoughts, goals, tasks, and other info I am seeking to rid my mind of the clutter of the ‘other’ places I need to be, the people I need to contact, and unfinished projects.

Those are necessary distractions, but need to be ‘captured’ so I can get back to the more necessary task at hand: to be all here, right now. (Like when I’m home with my kids, sitting down with a hurting person, or engaging with God in His Word and through prayerful dependence.)